What do we
mean by the word science?
for five minutes using examples in Postman (Tenner, Pursell or Pacey) that distinguishes science from scientism.
Be sure to understand PursellŐs discussion of how the meanings of technology and science have changed since the words where both introduced between 1610 and 1680.
What events influenced these changes in meaning according to Pursell ?
Now compare and contrast those findings with Tenner, and PaceyŐs arguments for what has changed since 1763 until 1963.
Pacey about clues to Postman's technocratic to technopolistic changes
We are defenseless against technology's persuasive power.
Postman on our incomprehensible world.
The "media pyramid" used to display the multiple media choices we have contrived to info-tain us 9 hours per day.
See what Richard Feynman, Cal Tech physicist said.
Wilczek | Hawking | Gell-Mann | Feynman | Einstein | Thomas | Galileo | Hooke | Kaku
Quantum mechanics | quantum behavior | atomic science | chemical elements | energy
Words | Science Index | Social Analysis | Population Index | Global Warming Index | Nature Index